Контрольна по лінгвістичній експертизі - id-6517-493

Ця робота успішно виконана на  онлайн-сервісі допомоги написанні курсових, дипломних та  інших студентських робіт «na5ku. com. ua»

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Hpnotiq (liqueur) VS Hopnotic (beer)
1. The category of sight.
Logo: the first name is written in turquoise letters on a grey background; the second name – is in yellow letters on a green background
The first name has 7 letters, the second has 8.
The names repeat such letters as h,p,n,o,t,i
They have the sequence of letters noti.
Both names begin with the capital letter H
They have different spelling. Even if consumers notice that the respondent’s mark contained an "O" between the "H’ and the "P," and they made the further association with the word "hops" (хміль) as an ingredient in beer, consumers still could presume that HOPNOTIC beer and HPNOTIQ liqueur are similar.

2. The category of sound
They are phonologically similar, consist of three syllables and the main stress falls on the second syllable.
They have similar pronunciation
Hopnotic has more phonemes than Hpnotiq
The first name has a 8 phonemes. The second name has 7
All the phonemes and their sequence of this trademarks is the same. Except of 1 phoneme e-o. This phoneme is unstressed and consumers can swallow it.

3. The category of meaning
Part of speed: both are proper nouns. But they can use like an adjective in some cases.
Both words belong to the same lexical field.
The goods are not similar, but they are certainly related and are sold in the same channels of trade to the same classes of consumers.
Their context can be similar.
The meaning of marks are not defined in the English dictionary.
If we and a letter “Y” to the name Hpnotiq we will pronounce like hypnotic, which means making you feel as if you are going to fall asleep, especially because of a regular, repeated noise or movement (Oxford Dictionary).
This definition can not be related with the sphere.
The suffix “hop” in the second name means the additional concept of "hops”

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Дата виконання: 2024-03-18

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Дата виконання: 2024-03-18