Consumer behaviour, individual assignment based on the company’s case that you’ll choose by yourself - id-4143-516

Ця робота успішно виконана на  онлайн-сервісі допомоги написанні курсових, дипломних та  інших студентських робіт «na5ku. com. ua»

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will be required to Identify and evaluate specific consumer
behaviour issues that are unique to a countrys consumers and a chosen brand. For example, you may assess the decision-making processes (pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase processes) for buying the brand; the most relevant internal and external influences on the decision-making process (e.g. motivation, personality, lifestyle, perception, social/group/family influences, specific culture-driven values, ethical issues, situational factors such as income, etc.) Once you have carried out an appropriate assessment of the potential consumption behaviours related to the brand, you should be able to focus your investigation on the key issues.

1. I have a plan and marking criteria, I will add it.
I have an example of the previous work as well.
2. References should be “Harvard style”
3. I have an opportunity to extend the deadline till 20 November.
4. It should be United Kingdom sources used in the work.
You can choose any UK based successful company and open this company in any other country (market). To explain why this company has been chosen to this specific country. To find the gaps in another country market.

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Дата виконання: 2024-12-25